the circle.
In today’s chapter, we will discuss Rosana’s appreciation for circles, a geometrical figure that she considers to be the most perfect shape and to which she has attributed so much meaning, to the extent of becoming a fundamental feature in the interpretation of her compositions and the groundbreaking artistic movement she IS BUILDING.
The flawlessness of the circular shape can be attributed to the absence of angles, which confers on it an inkling of perpetuity and harmony. This figure is the ultimate geometric symbol that best represents the cycle of life, the limitless energy of nature, karma, and divine grace. It is also the name given to Rosana’s artistic movement; “The Circle” refers to a group of people who gather around the same life ideology and energy, which can be summarized by an intense appreciation for life and the infinite beauty that derives from it. This artistic, or rather, collective movement, is a space in which all of its members share the same appetite for life and the belief that every moment is a gift from divinity that is granted to us to be seized and enjoyed.
She has chosen to rely on this shape for most of her paintings, with the purpose of harmonizing them with the environment they have been set in. By opting for a circular canvas, she chooses to expand her brushstrokes to the surrounding space of the artwork, creating an inevitable flow and attachment between the painting and the audience, allowing them to participate in the interpretation of the piece and perpetuate it with their unique imagination. Her round paintings invite us to see beyond the canvas, making them an expression of a limitless world where infinite beauty is possible through the gaze of the spectator. Through this tactic, Rosana succeeds in stimulating the creativity of the audience, turning her into a genuine contemporary artist.
Various painters throughout history have used circular shapes in many of their compositions, by means of elements such as the moon or the sun, to symbolize wholeness and perfection. Yet Rosana introduces this figure as an organic component, making it a core aspect of her artistic production. She has adopted this figure that neither has a beginning nor an end as the frame of her paintings, rendering infinity and unity in each of her circular creations.
Isabella Auqué
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